I just woke up from a dream in which my friends who sell Miche bags were forced to stop their business because of my husband's sin. After my friend told me, I was on the floor wailing for the injustice of it.
Freaky dream. In wakefulness, I am certain that my friends' businesses will not need to close. But I am still symbolically on the floor, wailing for the pain this has caused so many people.
There is no way to count for sure, but it is safe to say that over 1000 people have been affected by my husband's "victimless" sin. Where is God honored in the publicity of this? Is his name not slandered instead of praised? Why did he allow this to happen?
I understand that this will be good for my husband, and even for others in similar situations. But is that good really worth the pain that everyone else is suffering? How is it fair that others suffer from the publicity of his sin while he benefits from the consequences of it?
My heart breaks for the children who are forced to face a subject that adults don't understand. They have lost a mentor and a role model. They are grieving and confused, and it's not fair.
How many people will harden their hearts? How many people will write my husband off as a monster, when the day before they knew he was a good man? How many people will count this as one more thing to hold against churches and "church people"? How many people will see this as a sign of God's impotence and injustice?
Is it worth it, God? Is this really how you honor your name?
Again, I beg you to learn from my pain instead of your own. You may think that your sin is your problem, and yours alone. In truth, we will never know the effect our sin has on others. If God were to show us, I think we would all be on the floor, wailing at the injustices we have caused.
Can the pain of thousands be redeemed?
It would take a miracle.
"May those who hope in you not be disgraced because of me, O Lord, the Lord Almighty; may those who seek you not be put to shame because of me, O God of Israel."
Psalm 69:6
This is the miracle - He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 2 Corinthians 5:21 NAS ... Jesus came ... and while we were still sinners, He died for ALL of us! He loves your husband, you, and your child that much!!!!!